My time has come and gone... After continuing to play Christmas music for a solid week after the 25th I have finally accepted that December is over. However, one thing I am left with (apart from far too much chocolate) are my hopes and plans for 2016.
January, as well as being the guilty month, is known for one thing; New Years Resolutions. Over the past week I have been asked countless times what my resolution is, and each time I will reply with the same answer, "I don't know..." I am not one for New Years Resolutions. I don't want to start a gym membership when the biggest use I will get out of it is the vending machine at the exit, or to promise not to eat chocolate when I have been given a bucket load for Christmas. However, there are many things I want to keep in mind and accomplish throughout this year which is why instead of a resolution as such I want to make a list of 16 things for 2016.
January, as well as being the guilty month, is known for one thing; New Years Resolutions. Over the past week I have been asked countless times what my resolution is, and each time I will reply with the same answer, "I don't know..." I am not one for New Years Resolutions. I don't want to start a gym membership when the biggest use I will get out of it is the vending machine at the exit, or to promise not to eat chocolate when I have been given a bucket load for Christmas. However, there are many things I want to keep in mind and accomplish throughout this year which is why instead of a resolution as such I want to make a list of 16 things for 2016.
One - Stop Editing My Life
One thing I am extremely guilty of doing ever since I joined social media is deleting old memories that either I have posted or people have tagged me in. Yes they might be embarrassing, but that's the whole point of being a teenager isn't it? In years to come I won't have anything to look back on except a few pouty poses here and there which I regret enormously, so starting from now I am going to stop deleting posts (despite how embarrassing they might be).
Two - Work Hard Play Hard
I saw something on tumblr the other day and I couldn't help but laugh; "My ultimate goal is to reach a certain level of adulthood where I can afford to be a child." I am 100% a big kid (take this Christmas for example, I got three Disney Dvd Boxsets!) I completely relate to this post, but one thing that springs to mind is the saying "work hard play hard". It's simple, you've got to earn it to enjoy it.
I saw something on tumblr the other day and I couldn't help but laugh; "My ultimate goal is to reach a certain level of adulthood where I can afford to be a child." I am 100% a big kid (take this Christmas for example, I got three Disney Dvd Boxsets!) I completely relate to this post, but one thing that springs to mind is the saying "work hard play hard". It's simple, you've got to earn it to enjoy it.
Three - Push Myself
This upcoming September I will be leaving home to go to university to study my degree, and one thought that haunts me is, what if I don't cope? 2015 hasn't been the greatest of years in certain aspects of my life such as college and health, which is why pointer number three is exactly what the title implies. Throughout 2016 I want to push myself; put myself in situations I've never been in before even if they make me uncomfortable. I know that later in life I will get a benefit out of doing so.
This upcoming September I will be leaving home to go to university to study my degree, and one thought that haunts me is, what if I don't cope? 2015 hasn't been the greatest of years in certain aspects of my life such as college and health, which is why pointer number three is exactly what the title implies. Throughout 2016 I want to push myself; put myself in situations I've never been in before even if they make me uncomfortable. I know that later in life I will get a benefit out of doing so.
Four - Stop Skipping Meals
Yet another thing I am guilty of doing... When it comes to eating 3 meals a day I am awful. Since leaving high school I no longer have a set time to eat and because of this I tend to just eat when I'm hungry. Some fruit, packets of crisps, a smoothie... Throughout the course of the day I don't eat proper meals until the evening. 2016 is the year to push myself out of this routine and back into a healthy everyday one. You'd be surprised at how much more productive you can be when your body has the nutrition it needs when it needs it.
Yet another thing I am guilty of doing... When it comes to eating 3 meals a day I am awful. Since leaving high school I no longer have a set time to eat and because of this I tend to just eat when I'm hungry. Some fruit, packets of crisps, a smoothie... Throughout the course of the day I don't eat proper meals until the evening. 2016 is the year to push myself out of this routine and back into a healthy everyday one. You'd be surprised at how much more productive you can be when your body has the nutrition it needs when it needs it.
Five - Healthier Person
You guessed it, of course there is going to be a health post planted in this blogpost somewhere. However, this doesn't mean I'm going on a diet or will be visiting the gym six times a week. The goal for this pointer is to be a healthy happy person both mentally and physically.
You guessed it, of course there is going to be a health post planted in this blogpost somewhere. However, this doesn't mean I'm going on a diet or will be visiting the gym six times a week. The goal for this pointer is to be a healthy happy person both mentally and physically.
Six - Communication Is Key
If you know me personally you will know that I don't have the best track record regarding communication. I don't check my phone as often as other people might do, meaning chances of me replying to your text message is a good few hours. I SUCK AT REPLYING TO PEOPLE. In fact, this was my New Years Resolution for 2015 however I still get the odd complaint here and there so I need to get my act together.
If you know me personally you will know that I don't have the best track record regarding communication. I don't check my phone as often as other people might do, meaning chances of me replying to your text message is a good few hours. I SUCK AT REPLYING TO PEOPLE. In fact, this was my New Years Resolution for 2015 however I still get the odd complaint here and there so I need to get my act together.
Seven - Learn How To Use My Camera
I have always loved all the little aspects that make up the film industry; script writing, planning storyboards, filming, producing, editing, promoting. However one of my all time favourites has to be the cinematography (planning the shot type/position/colour/ext) and over the last year or so, this has developed into my love for photography. However, it is a year or so later and I still have no idea how to use all the features on my camera. This is a definite must-master for 2016, especially considering good photos can really make or break a blog!
I have always loved all the little aspects that make up the film industry; script writing, planning storyboards, filming, producing, editing, promoting. However one of my all time favourites has to be the cinematography (planning the shot type/position/colour/ext) and over the last year or so, this has developed into my love for photography. However, it is a year or so later and I still have no idea how to use all the features on my camera. This is a definite must-master for 2016, especially considering good photos can really make or break a blog!
Eight - Visit Harry Potter Tour
Harry Potter has always been a big part of my childhood, so since the Warner Bros. Studio Tour opened to the public on the 31st March in 2012 I have been dying to go!FOUR YEARS IVE BEEN WAITING sorry I couldn't help it... Considering I am also moving away to university this September and will most certainly be broke, these upcoming few months are the perfect time to go.
Harry Potter has always been a big part of my childhood, so since the Warner Bros. Studio Tour opened to the public on the 31st March in 2012 I have been dying to go!
Nine - Catch Up
I make lists... a lots of lists. Places I want to visit, recipes I want to bake, photographers who's work I haven't had the chance to have a sufficient look through. Books and films I haven't had the chance to read and watch (such as Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell and Tinker Tailor Solider Spy Directed by Tomas Alfredson) are no exception to these lists and I think it's about time I start making my way through them.
Ten - Go Back To Things I Love
As I mentioned earlier, I've been completely fascinated by all things film since a very young age. After watching a film I always used to flick through the menu trying to find any behind the scenes or post production footage that I could watch. I'm still like that now! Bearing this in mind I started writing my own stories, posting them online and if they became popular I went on to cast my characters before making short trailers with a bang up tune to show to my readers. Over the past two years I haven't had the time to do these sort of things anymore and I don't think I'm the only one. As we become older we tend do lose sight of things that make us happy, so why can't 2016 be the year we go back to doing the things that we love? Instead of spending time in front of the tv, go back to writing, reading, running, bowling? Whatever makes you happy!
As I mentioned earlier, I've been completely fascinated by all things film since a very young age. After watching a film I always used to flick through the menu trying to find any behind the scenes or post production footage that I could watch. I'm still like that now! Bearing this in mind I started writing my own stories, posting them online and if they became popular I went on to cast my characters before making short trailers with a bang up tune to show to my readers. Over the past two years I haven't had the time to do these sort of things anymore and I don't think I'm the only one. As we become older we tend do lose sight of things that make us happy, so why can't 2016 be the year we go back to doing the things that we love? Instead of spending time in front of the tv, go back to writing, reading, running, bowling? Whatever makes you happy!
Eleven - Stop Procrastinating
Look up the definition of a procrastinator... I'm sure you'll find my name somewhere in the description. This isn't all the time, however there has been a good few occasions over the past year where I distract myself with silly little things that can wait given the situation. This is a habit I really want to lose before I move away to university.
Look up the definition of a procrastinator... I'm sure you'll find my name somewhere in the description. This isn't all the time, however there has been a good few occasions over the past year where I distract myself with silly little things that can wait given the situation. This is a habit I really want to lose before I move away to university.
Twelve - Be Selfless
Being selfless is a moral that I believe everyone should maintain everyday. Even if it's just a friendly smile it can really make someones day. Nevertheless, this year I want to do a little more in the form of volunteering. I used to volunteer at my local Cancer Research shop and really enjoyed my time working there, so why not get back into it again?
Thirteen - Remove Toxic People From My Life
When I look back over the last year it's safe to say that I'm not the same person. I have changed a lot through many aspects of my life and so have other people. Sometimes different personalities can become conflicted or people can just grow apart but that's okay. It is a necessary part of life that none of us can avoid. Sometimes you have to be willing to surrender what you are and who you are associated with for what you could become.
When I look back over the last year it's safe to say that I'm not the same person. I have changed a lot through many aspects of my life and so have other people. Sometimes different personalities can become conflicted or people can just grow apart but that's okay. It is a necessary part of life that none of us can avoid. Sometimes you have to be willing to surrender what you are and who you are associated with for what you could become.
Fourteen - Drink More Water
It is recommended that you should drink up to two litres of water day... I definitely do not drink two litres of water a day.
It is recommended that you should drink up to two litres of water day... I definitely do not drink two litres of water a day.
Fifteen - Be Adventurous
I am not known as the adventurous type. Don't get me wrong I welcome change, however when it comes to simple things I tend to say no scared of the outcome. What if I don't like the food that arrives? What if something goes wrong while we're abroad? It's probably best I don't go, I don't know who will be there... This year, even if it means starting small, I want to say yes to more things. "By replacing fear of the unknown with curiosity we open ourselves up to an infinite stream of possibility."
Sixteen - Keep Blogging
Since launching Modedeviebel in October there has not been one moment in which I have not enjoyed blogging. I love talking about my life, experiences, sharing tips and advice and most importantly getting to talk with both my readers and fellow bloggers. In the little time this blog has been up and running (which is only 97 days to be exact) I would've never expected Modedeviebel to be as popular. Both my audience and content are growing with every new blogpost and I am so, so excited for what 2016 will bring!
I hope you enjoyed this long, overdue blogpost and let me know if you made any New Years Resolutions!
I hope you enjoyed this long, overdue blogpost and let me know if you made any New Years Resolutions!
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