Friday, 23 December 2016
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Wednesday, 5 October 2016
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Pep Talk

Today I am an abundance of emotions.
I am scared of how fast the summer has passed and that the reminder on my phone is now only three days away. I'm curious to see what my dorm room looks like and what sort of music my soon to be flatmates are in to. However, at this very moment in time I'm anxious. I am anxious because today is my last Wednesday at home before I start university and despite how unbelievably excited I am for this new chapter in my life to start my nerves have started to kick in. What am I nervous about? Being nervous.
When I think about moving away from home, being in a new city with new people, the thought doesn't scare me. I'm guessing it's more adrenaline than actual anxiety. Y'know, just your average 'I'm moving away from home for the first time' nerves. Regardless of this, I have a tendency to overthink many things including being nervous. When this happens I shake, my speech stutters, I shy away and to top it off avoid any possible interaction or activity that could amplify this feeling.
By all means I want to avoid this and I know I'm not the only one. Therefore for todays blog post I thought I would share a few of my favourite coping mechanisms to help overcome being shy and enjoy my first term at university.
Make a Habit of Speaking To Everyone
I know at first this sounds daunting (it sounded horrific to me) but from first hand experience this has really paid off. Start of small. When you first arrive on campus, remember to smile. When you pass someone on the stairs say hello or good morning. Slowly but surely start to increase the length and topics in conversations and soon enough you will find at least that one person (if not persons) you'll be chatting up a storm with.
Be Persistent
The more you practise the better you will get at it.
Make sure to engage with everyone you meet, even if it means saying yes to a few things that you might not normally do. Attend fresher events, go on a pub-crawl, and maybe even join a society or a membership to the gym. You will find it's a great way to meet new people and you might end up really enjoying yourself!
The Importance of Body Language
Try not to shy away when making conversation with new people. Instead, by using more open gestures such as smiling and keeping a positive eye contact (the trick is to look long enough to notice their eye colour) you will automatically come across as a much more confident, lively person to be around. Also is it weird that The Little Mermaid came to mind?
Say Yes
Alongside meeting new people and building lifelong friendships, saying yes to new things (even if it is a little awkward and puts you out of your comfort zone at first) can lead to so many new opportunities. You could be introduced to a new area of interest or perhaps even discover a particular skill you had never foreseen. Overall this newfound confidence of saying yes and feeling good will give you more belief in your abilities and self worth.
Good Luck to everyone moving to university this weekend! I hope you all really enjoy your first year and don't get alcohol poisoning at freshers :)

Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Monday, 13 June 2016
Thursday, 9 June 2016
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
The Yorkshire Detox

The Internet is a strange thing, especially in the blogging world. It brings people together from all across the world in so many ways, commenting, sharing ideas, collaborating, all at a touch of a button. Although the blogging world can be an extraordinary thing to be apart of, it can also (on occasion) be a very negative experience. Putting your life out there can leave you in such a vulnerable position, which is why I sometimes take some time aside and have a complete internet detox... Basically not opening my laptop or social media apps on my phone.
Last weekend I was lucky enough to have both the Saturday and Sunday off of work so I took the opportunity to visit one of my favourite places perfect for a detox! I drove down from Manchester early Saturday morning (yes, me! I DROVE ON A FRICKIN' MOTORWAY!) straight to the site we were staying at just on the outskirts of York. When we arrived the weather turned into what I can only describe as typical British weather. Even though we couldn't do much outside we managed to entertain ourselves by playing too many rounds of chase the ace and watching Britain's Got Talent. Thankfully the weather picked up on the Sunday allowing us to take a trip into town.

We spent the majority of the Sunday walking around town including the back streets, popping in and out of all the little shops and boutiques. If you ever find yourself in an authentic place like York I would especially recommend doing this. All the smaller independent shops offer so much more than say just your average topshop (despite how much I love topshop) full of gifts, books and gadgets. As well as shops we also spent a lot of the afternoon longing after all of York's tearooms and old sweet shops. Let me tell you, it took al lot of will power not to spend all of my money on sweet things!

Since it was such a beautiful day, once we had finished walking around all of the shops we decided to sit outside the cathedral. There was a brilliant street performer playing the accordion just by the minster, rocking a bit of The Rolling Stones... Back Street Girl was my favourite!
That evening we went out for a lovely pub lunch, catching up with the rest of the family that live close by. All in all, my Yorkshire detox was a success! (Despite messing around with the snapchat filters... C'mon, how cute is the Dalmatian one!!) I left feeling completely relaxed and ready to start the new week!
I hope you enjoyed this first of hopefully many travel type post and I'll see you again soon!

Wednesday, 25 May 2016
The Best Of NYX

As a makeup lover, I love to try new products and because of this I very rarely rave about just one brand in particular. However, after reading so many positive reviews and having a little trial and error myself I can finally reveal (in my opinion) the best of NYX.
High Definition Primer
Finding a good quality face primer usually leaves me with two options; 1) Spending a fortune on high end products such as mac. Mac face primers do the job but I just wish they'd be a little less expensive... 2) Buying a cheap high street primer that doesn't necessarily do as it is intended. As a result of this I very rarely use primer and if so only on special occasions such as a party or a wedding when my makeup really needs to last. When I came across NYX's High Definition Primer I instantly fell in love! The water-based primer goes on like a lotion, helping to improve foundation wear and performance. I rub it into my skin and pat all over, then wait for five minutes or so before I follow with my foundation. It has a seamless finish to it, leaving my skin feeling fresh and light and not at all oily or heavy. A little goes a long way too, making this a product that I will definitely reuse!
Matte Makeup Setting Spray
I had never tried a makeup setting spray before this blog post. When watching video tutorials or reading reviews online all quality setting sprays seemed to be very expensive. I didn't want to splash the cash on something that (at the time) seemed a little pointless. However, this NYX Matte Makeup Setting Spray has completely changed my mind! Being matte it has a shine free finish that is extremely lightweight and helps keep my makeup stay put even in humid environments.
Lip Lingerie
This is a weightless liquid lipstick that has a plush matte finish to it. My lip cream is in the shade push up, which is almost a brown spice pink colour. Once applied the colour goes a little darker but lasts much longer then you would expect. The Lip Lingerie set comes in a range of nudes, from a cinnamon pink to classic nude beige. They also make great dupes for the Kylie Jenner Lip Kits for just a fraction of the price!
Wonder Pencil
The Wonder Pencil is an absolute godsend! Described as "the essential pencil that full-fills all of your beauty desires" it definitely does not disappoint. It's great for a myriad of uses such as a under brow highlighter, to covers blemishes, contour, line lips to prevent bleeding or fading and line the waterline for that wide-awake look. I would recommend buying more than one shade so you are able to blend more efficiently. An amazing go to product!
I have really enjoyed trying out a range of NYX products. If you have any NYX go to favourites that I haven't mentioned please leave a comment below and I'll see you again soon!

Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Homemade Pink Lemonade

Summer (despite this years occasional snow falls) is well and truly upon is. Buds are blooming, birds are chirping and the sun is finally out! There are many little things that remind me of summer; daisy chains, making ice pops and taking trips down to the beach... even though we tend to pick the coldest day of summer to sprawl out on the sand.
One thing in particular that reminds me of those summer days is making sugary concoctions. Iced tea, very berry smoothies and (my all time favourite) pink lemonade! For this weeks blog post I thought I could share this recipe with you! It's very simple. In fact, some people might even describe it as easy peasy lemon squeezy! (Badum tss)
Homemade Pink Lemonade
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 2 1/2 cups fresh lemon juice
- 1 1/2 cups superfine sugar
- 2 cups cranberry juice
- 4 lemons (for garnish)
First bring the granulated sugar and 1 cup of water to a boil in a medium sized pan over a high heat and stir until the sugar has fully dissolved. Once dissolved, take the pan off the heat and pour the sugary substance into a container that is suitable to refrigerate until chilled (roughly one hour).
Once chilled, remove from the refrigerator and add the lemon juice, cranberry juice, superfine sugar and 1 1/2 quarts water to the container. Stir until the sugar has dissolved then once again place in the refrigerator. When making it myself, I leave the lemonade in the refrigerator for the rest of the day as I find that the more chilled the lemonade is the better it tastes!
Finally, when serving add ice cubes and garnish with lemon slices.
And there you have it, a perfect sweet drinks for a warm summers day! I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Let me know if you recreated this recipe or if you have any of your own summer traditions.
Have a great week!

Wednesday, 11 May 2016
The Pursuit Of Writing

For many (myself included) blogging is a leisurely activity. Modedeviebel was created as a place to share my thoughts, travels, occasional rambles and general lifestyle musings. A place for me to come back to in years to come to see how not only my content has changed but hopefully how I have developed as a person.
However, Modedeviebel (as much as I would like it to be) isn't something I can put all of my time in to. My blog doesn't pay the rent or have thousands of followers. In fact, it is a minuscule spec of a vast blogging community that has to contend with my (at times) hectic life. I have a full time job, studies and social life that have to take priority making the task of regular post updates not as common as I would like. Over recentweeks... Ok months I have been very inactive on Modedeviebel. Life has somehow always managed to get in the way of allowing myself to take sufficient time out to plan and publish quality content. This stops today.
From now on I intend to post weekly (every Wednesday at 7pm) if not more which leads me to todays blogpost; the pursuit of writing.
Pursuit in definition, "the action of pursuing someone or something." In this case, blogging. To do this I have come up with three ways to get myself posting more regularly. So, without further a do...
Planning Ahead
Planning ahead is in my opinion one of the most important aspects of running a successful blog. This week I have drafted weekly blogposts all the way up until mid-August. This sense of direction really helps push and motivate me into writing more, as I know what is to come. This also includes my life outside of blogging. By planning your week you will surely be able to find and set some time aside dedicated to writing.
Staying on Schedule
Staying on schedule is the one I probably find the trickiest. In fact, this pointer is really just a kick up the bum for me! Being a perfectionist can be annoying as unless I am 100% happy with the content I am uploading I hate pressing the publish button, even if it is scheduled for that day. To stay on schedule you have to (see pointer one) plan ahead. Know when you are free to write and set yourself the task of writing so much in that time.
Another thing I have come to find regarding staying on schedule is the issue of not physically being able to click publish. This is the most irritating thing for me as planning a post to go live at a certain time can lead to more reads. If I somehow miss that deadline, I tend not to hit upload. However there are still plenty of ways to make your post live. With blogger there is an option of setting a date and time you wish to publish your post. Similarly, there are countless apps and websites (such as my personal favourite, buffer) that allow you to schedule tweets and facebook posts so your audience knows that you have a new blogpost up.
Photography Blocks
For myself, taking quality photos for Modedeviebel is vital. Whilst taking the actual photograph itself only takes two seconds, the process leading to that can sometimes be time consuming. Cleaning products, creating a layout, changing the camera settings. I also use all natural lighting for my photos but with weather in the UK being so unpredictable (seriously, two weeks ago it was snowing) I'm better off taking as many photos for as many posts as I can in one day. Why not? When I have some time to spare I now collect together all my items, create a layout and have a full on photography session. This way when it comes to publishing day I won't be worrying about the weather or rushing around trying to take and edit a decent photo.
And that's that! I hope you enjoyed this strange little blogpost. If you have any other tips for me I would love to hear from you, if not then I guess I'll see you next Wednesday, 7pm sharp!
However, Modedeviebel (as much as I would like it to be) isn't something I can put all of my time in to. My blog doesn't pay the rent or have thousands of followers. In fact, it is a minuscule spec of a vast blogging community that has to contend with my (at times) hectic life. I have a full time job, studies and social life that have to take priority making the task of regular post updates not as common as I would like. Over recent
From now on I intend to post weekly (every Wednesday at 7pm) if not more which leads me to todays blogpost; the pursuit of writing.
Pursuit in definition, "the action of pursuing someone or something." In this case, blogging. To do this I have come up with three ways to get myself posting more regularly. So, without further a do...
Planning Ahead
Planning ahead is in my opinion one of the most important aspects of running a successful blog. This week I have drafted weekly blogposts all the way up until mid-August. This sense of direction really helps push and motivate me into writing more, as I know what is to come. This also includes my life outside of blogging. By planning your week you will surely be able to find and set some time aside dedicated to writing.
Staying on Schedule
Staying on schedule is the one I probably find the trickiest. In fact, this pointer is really just a kick up the bum for me! Being a perfectionist can be annoying as unless I am 100% happy with the content I am uploading I hate pressing the publish button, even if it is scheduled for that day. To stay on schedule you have to (see pointer one) plan ahead. Know when you are free to write and set yourself the task of writing so much in that time.
Another thing I have come to find regarding staying on schedule is the issue of not physically being able to click publish. This is the most irritating thing for me as planning a post to go live at a certain time can lead to more reads. If I somehow miss that deadline, I tend not to hit upload. However there are still plenty of ways to make your post live. With blogger there is an option of setting a date and time you wish to publish your post. Similarly, there are countless apps and websites (such as my personal favourite, buffer) that allow you to schedule tweets and facebook posts so your audience knows that you have a new blogpost up.
Photography Blocks
For myself, taking quality photos for Modedeviebel is vital. Whilst taking the actual photograph itself only takes two seconds, the process leading to that can sometimes be time consuming. Cleaning products, creating a layout, changing the camera settings. I also use all natural lighting for my photos but with weather in the UK being so unpredictable (seriously, two weeks ago it was snowing) I'm better off taking as many photos for as many posts as I can in one day. Why not? When I have some time to spare I now collect together all my items, create a layout and have a full on photography session. This way when it comes to publishing day I won't be worrying about the weather or rushing around trying to take and edit a decent photo.
And that's that! I hope you enjoyed this strange little blogpost. If you have any other tips for me I would love to hear from you, if not then I guess I'll see you next Wednesday, 7pm sharp!

Friday, 22 April 2016
The Jungle Book Review

Hello! I have been meaning to get a new blogpost up for a while (my apologies) but life has got in the way. However, better late than never eh?
From studying film and media, one thing I have learnt is that remaking a film can be one of the biggest risks a film company can take, but that hasn't stopped anyone yet, especially Disney. Over the last few years in particular, we have seen many different adaptations of beloved Disney films such as Alice in Wonderland and (the spin off to Sleeping Beauty) Maleficent. As us 90's kids are growing up, adaptations of our favourite Disney films are hitting the big screens. They are slowly but surely becoming more and more popular and I love it!
Last year, director Kenneth Branagh remade a Disney classic and despite my love for Disney I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. My inner child cringed when Cinderella finally came face to face with her prince. Maybe I felt like this because I was no longer eight, or perhaps that Cinderella (despite it's modernised adjustment) was still just as predictable for me.
When Disney first announced they were making a live action, computer animated, fantasy adventure version (that was a mouthful) of Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book I didn't think too much of it. The original cartoon version is one of my all time favourite childhood films but after my Cinderella anti-climax I didn't want to get my hopes too high. Nonetheless, once I sat down and the film started (tango ice blast in hand) my mind set soon changed.
Casting is one of the most important elements of any film, especially in this case. The only character that isn't computer animated is the role of Mowgli; an orphaned human boy brought up by a pack of wolves in the heart of the jungle. Soon he finds himself on a journey to self-discovery, guided by a loving panther and a musical bear. Finding the right actor to play him was imperative as the entire accessibility of the film is riding on this one character.
Neel Sethi completely embodies the humour, heart and confidence of Mowgli, his very first breakout role. His natural charisma is captivating, engaging the audience from start to finish. A very talented performance from a little actor in the making! Beside Neel Sethi, Bill Murray is spot on for the character of Baloo. He too captures the humour and affection of the loveable bear. Other cast members include Ben Kingsley (Bagheera), Idris Elba (Shere Khan), Scarlett Johanson (Kaa), Christopher Walken (King Louie) and Lupita Nyong'o (Raksha).
The film itself is visually dazzling! This thrilling action sets a new standard for cgi as its new adaptations are used in a way that enhances storytelling not only for children but for adults too. The Jungle Book is mesmerising to watch; alongside every beautiful shot, John Debney's score heightens the adventure and emotion. Director Jon Favreau righly keeps the audience at the edge of their seats whilst never losing sight that he's making a story for children, capturing every inch of the films charm including a few of my favourite musical numbers.
Truthfully, looking back at my Jungle Book experiences (yes... I have been to see it more than once) the only part I didn't thoroughly enjoy was the way the end credits were presented. Although the film had left me on a high, I wanted the credits to continue this excitement, leaving me collecting my things gawping. However, now I am forgetting that this is a children's film. Perhaps I have watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows too many times... Why shouldn't the film end with the characters dancing around to 'I wan'na be like you'?
Maybe you will think differently, but there is one thing I can promise you. This is genuinely one of Disney's most faithful, live action adaptations yet!
Click here to view the teaser trailer for The Jungle Book. If you have already seen it, what do you think? I would love to know what you did and didn't like about Jon Favreau's adaptation.
I hope you have enjoyed this blogpost and I'll see you again soon!

Monday, 21 March 2016
Common Misconceptions | #LetsTalkMentalHealth

When it comes to raising awareness about mental health, I'm all for it (hence why I started the hashtag #LetsTalkMentalHealth in a previous post)! However, over recent years there is one thing I have come to learn.
On a daily basis, mental health faces many misconceptions due to it's lack of awareness. Who it might affect, why people experience mental health problems. Pretty much anything from being diagnosed to getting help, making it all the more important to challenge these myths and help more people understand mental health.
"Young people don't experience mental health problems, it's just a part of growing up."
Back in high school, a friend of mine was diagnosed with depression. To me, he acted how he had always acted and I didn't notice his withdrawal until it was pointed out to me. I had never experienced or known anyone to have depression and at the time I found it extremely difficult to understand. "I don't get it... Why is he depressed? He's got nothing to be depressed about." He was admired, top of the class, surrounded by great friends and family. I couldn't comprehend how someone so young and loved could be suffering from a mental illness such as depression. It is only now after experiencing similar symptoms myself I realise my mistake. It's a common mistake that anyone can make. One in ten young people experience mental health problems. One in four young people experience suicidal thoughts. Rates of depression and anxiety among teenagers have increased by 70% over the last 25 years. Having a mental health problem can happen to anyone at any time, including young people.
"Mental health is caused by personal weakness. You can snap out of it if you try hard enough."
Having a mental health condition is not a character flaw. In fact, it is not any personal flaw. Mental health problems are to do with genetic, biological, social, environmental and historical factors. Furthermore, telling someone to snap out of being depressed or anxious would be just as effective as telling someone with their arm in a cast to straighten it. You can't "snap out" of being unwell at free will.
Having a mental health condition is not a character flaw. In fact, it is not any personal flaw. Mental health problems are to do with genetic, biological, social, environmental and historical factors. Furthermore, telling someone to snap out of being depressed or anxious would be just as effective as telling someone with their arm in a cast to straighten it. You can't "snap out" of being unwell at free will.
"You have to have gone through something dramatic to have a mental health problem."
Mental health is a tricky thing that can come in all shapes and forms. For some people it can hit them like a bus. This could be caused by a life changing event, maybe an accident or the loss of a loved one. For me, anxiety crept upon me like a cat in the night; slow and silent. I didn't know what it was but it was suddenly there and I couldn't seem to shake it. It was only after I fully understood anxiety I was able to pinpoint the event in my life that started this rippling effect of anxiety and panic. For others it's just something that happens with no explanation or cause.
"People experiencing mental health problems can not hold down the stress of a job."
All myth. If someone experiencing mental health problems has/is getting the appropriate, sufficient and effective treatment there is nothing stopping them from being just as productive (if not more) as someone without a mental illness. From personal experience, I know many people who alongside having a mental health condition also have excellent attendance, punctuality and motivation and will no doubt not only succeed but also thrive in life.
All myth. If someone experiencing mental health problems has/is getting the appropriate, sufficient and effective treatment there is nothing stopping them from being just as productive (if not more) as someone without a mental illness. From personal experience, I know many people who alongside having a mental health condition also have excellent attendance, punctuality and motivation and will no doubt not only succeed but also thrive in life.
"People with mental health problems are violent and unpredictable."
Personally, I find this the most unrealistic misconception about mental health. People who are mentally unwell are no more dangerous than anyone else. In fact, they are more likely to be the victim of violence or to harm themselves before they hurt others. With the appropriate treatment and support, people who experience mental health problems can live a successful, happy life within a community, and are nothing more to be afraid of than anyone else.
"Therapy is a waste of time. Just take a pill."
There is nothing wrong in taking medication, most people find it extremely effective however for many cases it is not a permanent solution. It is just as important to gain additional support such as counselling, learning how to head on face and overcome mental health is hugely beneficial and for many long lasting.
There is nothing wrong in taking medication, most people find it extremely effective however for many cases it is not a permanent solution. It is just as important to gain additional support such as counselling, learning how to head on face and overcome mental health is hugely beneficial and for many long lasting.
"I can't do anything for a person with mental health problems..."
Over recent months I have been asked countless time by both my friends and family how they could support me. What could they do to help if I was feeling unwell or in the midst of a panic attack? Friends and loved ones can make a big difference regarding someone's experience of mental health. By simply reaching out and letting them know you are available, you will be making the world of difference. Take them for a coffee, go for a walk or watch a movie... There is nothing so simple yet gratifying to know you are wanted.
These are only a few common misconceptions I have personally come across. For others it's many more. So many people still face discrimination towards their mental health which is quite honestly disgusting.
I didn't mean for this to turn into a rant, but it's 2016. Time to change.
Over recent months I have been asked countless time by both my friends and family how they could support me. What could they do to help if I was feeling unwell or in the midst of a panic attack? Friends and loved ones can make a big difference regarding someone's experience of mental health. By simply reaching out and letting them know you are available, you will be making the world of difference. Take them for a coffee, go for a walk or watch a movie... There is nothing so simple yet gratifying to know you are wanted.
These are only a few common misconceptions I have personally come across. For others it's many more. So many people still face discrimination towards their mental health which is quite honestly disgusting.
I didn't mean for this to turn into a rant, but it's 2016. Time to change.

Monday, 14 March 2016
A Little Beauty Haul
Since we last spoke I explained that I got a new job... "The rest of today consists of snuggling up in a blanket and treating myself to an Internet browse, trying to restrain myself from spending my entire pay check." While I was successful not spending that Sunday, later that week I made the bad decision of taking a trip into Manchester. Needless to say I spent "some" money so I thought I would turn my lack of will power into a little beauty haul.
Catastrophe Cosmetic is by far my favourite face mask by Lush (as you can see from my finger marks) containing blueberries, calamine powder, chamomile blue oil and Irish moss gel specifically designed to sooth and soften troubled skin. The face mask is enriched with minerals and antioxidant vitamins A, C and E not to mention smells amazing. It really works a treat!
I also went for the Rosy Cheeks face mask which contains rose oil, calamine powder and kaolin. This mask is designed to cleanse and smooth the skin; "uncover calm, matte skin which says you've been kissed by a rose." I have yet to try this one out but (per usual) the product smells amazing!
Of course I couldn't go to Lush without buying a both bomb, so I went for the Titsy Totsy bomb after hearing great reviews! Titsy Totsy is scented with a combination of florals including geranium, jasmine and rose... mmm! What sold this to me even more is the fact that it is also studded with several real rosebuds.
After some consideration I also bought myself some new mac lipsticks and pencils.
First off the lip pencils. The pencils I bought are in the shades Spice and Soar. If you're looking for a simple matte finish then I would recommend a mac lip pencil. There are a variety of pigmented shades that last throughout the day, with a soft, precise edge that makes it very easy to apply. If you can't afford both a lip pencil and lip stick I would definitely recommend the lip pencil!
The lipsticks I bought are in the shades Velvet Teddy and Brave. Velvet Teddy is a brown-nude colour with a matte finish that doesn't give that orangey colour some taupe lipsticks can give. Brave is a satin, slightly more pigmented, reddish colour with more of a shiny finish in comparison. Both are bullet shaped, with a sweet, vanilla(ish) scent that I absolutely love!
When it comes to my eyebrows I always get self conscious. I have very light, fine hair so like many people I fill my eyebrows in, however I'm always worried that they're a shade to dark, or maybe drawn onto blotchy and thick making trying to find the perfect eyebrow pencil a tricky task. On a trial and error I picked out the Archery Brow Pencil by Soap and Glory in the shade hot chocolate and I absolutely love it! It's a 2 in 1 brow filling pencil and brush that gives you full, precise control when shaping your brows.
I also bought the Arch De Triumph brow shaper and highlighter by Soap and Glory. I especially love the highlighter as it is very easy to apply and blend. A definite recommendation!
Lastly I restocked my Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water. This cleanser is by far my favourite as it leaves my skin feeling soft and hydrated. It also lives up to its 200 uses guarantee at a very affordable price.
I hope you enjoyed this little beauty hall and I'll see you again soon!

Wednesday, 9 March 2016
Being Catastrophic
I've got 99 problems and 89 of them are completely made up scenarios in my head that I'm stressing out about for no logical idea.
I am an overly obsessive analytical fusspot that allows my mind to wonder into the weirdest (and most unlikeliest) situations. To say things escalate quickly is an understatement. Sometimes the scenario can be fairly ordinary, something that most people wouldn't need to think twice about.
"Hey, do you want to get tickets to see Cage the Elephant?"
Sure, that sounds like fun!
Except, I'll have to get on a train full of people... That's nothing in comparison to the crowd outside the arena, never mind inside -
- Don't be silly you used to get on trains without a problem before. Forget about the crowd and think about the band. You'll have so much fun!
I guess... But what if I don't feel well on the day? What if I get nauseous and I embarrass myself and my friends.
Stop, your friends will look after you. Besides they wouldn't invite you if they didn't want you there.
What if I lose them in the crowd. It gets hot in venues like these what if I faint? What if I get trampled? Maybe it's too much hassle than it's worth...
"I dunno... Can I let you know?"
Get the gist?
I have a tendency to be catastrophic. It's not intentional, in fact it's quite the opposite. Overthinking leads to negative thoughts, creating problems that don't even exist. That's exactly what the mind does. However, there are many ways (almost tips if you will) to help fade out those negative thoughts and overcome a problem without overthinking it.
Find a Distraction
A distraction can be almost anything you want it to be. Talking to a friend, walking the dog or perhaps even binging on your favourite tv show. Although to some this may seem as though you're avoiding the situation all together this tip can actually be extremely effective (from personal experience, depending on the situation of course). I sometimes find that the less I think about it the less of a situation it becomes. I don't get stressed and when the event eventually comes around I end up enjoying myself enormously.
Be Mindful
If you find yourself overthinking yesterdays worries or tomorrows problems, engage your full attention with every activity you undergo throughout the day. Talk yourself through every step of your day. You'll find your mind will wonder less as it's too busy focusing on the present.
A distraction can be almost anything you want it to be. Talking to a friend, walking the dog or perhaps even binging on your favourite tv show. Although to some this may seem as though you're avoiding the situation all together this tip can actually be extremely effective (from personal experience, depending on the situation of course). I sometimes find that the less I think about it the less of a situation it becomes. I don't get stressed and when the event eventually comes around I end up enjoying myself enormously.
Be Mindful
If you find yourself overthinking yesterdays worries or tomorrows problems, engage your full attention with every activity you undergo throughout the day. Talk yourself through every step of your day. You'll find your mind will wonder less as it's too busy focusing on the present.
Get a Different Perspective
Getting somebody else's perspective might not always go your way but it always has your best intentions at heart. Talking about a situation with someone who is not involved is very refreshing. They're not in your shoes. They will see the facts as clear as they are without other insignificant factors blinding their view. Whilst to you the situation might entail 'this, that, the other thing, oh yeah not to mention that' to them it's just 'this and that'.
Make a List of Good and Bad Things
This is the one tip I probably find the most useful. There is something so refreshing about getting it down on paper. By recognising the scribbled pros and cons out in front of you for exactly what they are is almost like seeing clearly for the first time.
Think About the Bigger Picture
Whatever situation you're worrying about, ask yourself, "Will this matter in a months time? Six months? What about a year?" If the answer is no then what is the point in overthinking it.
Sure, some of these tips might take a little practise but on the whole they could be very rewarding!
Think About the Bigger Picture
Whatever situation you're worrying about, ask yourself, "Will this matter in a months time? Six months? What about a year?" If the answer is no then what is the point in overthinking it.
Sure, some of these tips might take a little practise but on the whole they could be very rewarding!

Monday, 7 March 2016
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